Are you ready for some chocolate?!
On Tuesday, our class will be starting the Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling. This is one of my favorite read aloud stories for the year! The story is engaging, creative, and filled with great literacy skill practice.
Here is a quick synopsis of the story that you can share with your student this weekend:
The Chocolate Touch
is a classic book written more than 50 years ago. This is a moral tale
inspired by the legend of a greedy king whose touch turned all to gold.
John Midas is a young boy who receives the chocolate touch after he
finds a special coin and a unique candy store. John is first elated that
everything he touches to his mouth turns to chocolate but he soon
realizes that there may be a bitter side to this touch. He must do
something before he loses everything he loves to the chocolate curse.
We will be doing many activities to accompany this book. Although most of the assignments will take place in class, there will be a few short writing assignments that will be sent home for homework. Also, I would like to ask each of your families to please ask your student to summarize the story for you every few days. Here is a chart we created in class on Friday that showcases the key points to a summary:
Please use these points to check your child's summary for accuracy. Part of their final assessment for this unit will be to provide a summary of the story. I will be sending home a rubric for that assessment in a few weeks so that you and your child can be informed as to what will be assessed.
Thank you again for your continuous support this year!
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