Hi Third Grade Families!
This week we introduced a very exciting project...Travel Brochures! I am sure that all of you have heard about this exciting project as we discuss a new section each day in class. The handout for the assignment went home yesterday with the math homework, so please be sure to read over the expectations with your child. Thanks!
I wanted to reassure each of you that this project will be completed mostly in class; however the students will be expected to do some outside country research for homework a few nights a week. To make this less painful, I wanted to send you all a few online resources that you may find helpful. Please look at the links posted with your child to help get the research started. Also, the local library, as well as the school library will be excellent resources as well.
Happy exploring!
CIA World Fact Book
This website is maintained by the Central Intelligence Agency, better known as the CIA. This particular link is for the World Factbook. This site supports the students' learning in many ways. Your child will have to select his or her country from a world region map, which will help foster a learning of geographic location in the world. Also, each country has a specific page, so your child can find detailed information about his or her country's people, government, economy, etc. This site will be great for finding reliable facts about each student's country.
National Geographic for Kids
National Geographic for Kids presents similar information to the CIA World Factbook, but it offers more pictures and uses student friendly language. I like this website because each country's page has a short video to accompany it. This is a great tool for your child to use to build his or her listening skills. There is also an e-card feature where your child can send a post card from his or her assigned country. We will be doing a similar activity in class, but I highly encourage you to have your child send an e-card to other family members or friends. This will allow them to share their new knowledge!
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